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State *
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia


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Offer valid for residential customers only and will expire July 31, 2021. On Demand movie bill credit up to $5.99 per movie. Offer is non-transferable and may not be exchanged or substituted for other credit. Photocopies prohibited. A digital converter is required to receive On Demand selections. Your account will be credited the cost of your selection, up to $5.99. On Demand credit may take 1 to 2 billing cycles for credit to appear on bill. Must redeem within 30 days from the order date of your On Demand movie. Not valid on adult content, events or Subscription On Demand. Other restrictions may apply. © Wave. All rights reserved.

Service offerings are contingent upon Wave verification that the specific address covered by the service request is an Wave serviceable location. Prices do not include taxes, franchise fees or other surcharges. Services and pricing are subject to change. All photos used within are intellectual properties of their respective owners. Services are subject to terms and conditions of Wave’s subscriber agreements, on-line policies, and other applicable terms and conditions. Other restrictions may apply.